Monday, October 24, 2011

We're all turning into foxes...

SO...after much, well, some, ok ALOT of deliberation, I've decided to unite my design and knitting world under the same, sweet red fox. So the address of this blog is moving! Please visit:

Yay! It will look VERY similar :) I just thought it would be nice and clear and uniform to have things with a similar brand. I'm very excited about the change and so is Mr. Fox. Here is his new look for all things knitting!

So, pretty please update your blog subscriptions and I'm very sorry for any inconvenience, but now we will have even more fun with Mr. Fox as our guide!! xoxoxo

1 comment:

SERV said...

I've been reading a few posts and really and enjoy your writing. I'm just setting up my own blog and only hope that I can write as well and provide the reader so much insight.Infotainment Lounge