Thursday, September 1, 2005

Mr. Burger

We were talking about vanilla Dr. Peppers today at lunch and I was reminded of a funny story:

In college, we used to go to Mr. Burger at least weekly to get vanilla Dr. Peppers. One night, Jaime, Jason, and myself were in the drive-thru awaiting someone to take our order. We were enthusiastically jamming to "It's Your Love" by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. We heard no one on the speaker to take our order, so we continued to sing along to our song. All of the sudden, we heard a strange sound from the speaker. We quickly realized that it was the sound of applause. :) The restaurant was clapping for us over the drive-thru speaker. We ordered our drinks and drove around to pick them up. The clever little buggers at Mr. Burger had turned a styrofoam cup upside down, duct taped a kid's meal toy truck to the top, and had written "Mr. Burger Drive-Thru Music Award" on the cup. We felt so honored. The trophy sat proudly on my TV for many months after that. What a great time it was. Have any funny college memories? Feel free to post them here.


Jason said...

that was truly an amzing performance by the three of us.

Jaime said...

yep, yep. gotta love the mr. burger. they got a remodel, i think.