Woah, that's a long title. Just wanted to share a few things I've done/mastered lately. First of all, here are a couple of really cute fingerless glove patterns. They are really great gifts for people. They are quick but are a very useful item to have and I love these 2 patterns particularly because of the lovely details they have.
Suzie's Reading Mitts
Emerald Green Hand-warmers

I am now working on a cabled hat as well. I looked up a refresher on how to cable without the cable needle and found a great set of instructions on Knitting Daily's website. Cabling without the needle
You save SO much time not having to pick up and put down the cable needle. It's a little fiddly at first, but after a couple of cables, you get the hang of it. It also helps you understand the construction of a cable as well. Hope it helps you like it has me! Happy Cabling!
Hope everyone has a lovely lovely Thanksgiving. I'm making my first turkey this year! It's just Pinky and I and I'm excited about making the whole meal myself (except for the delicious pumpkin cheesecake I got from Sweet Jane's!!!) Here is our menu:
-roasted turkey with sage, thyme, garlic and spices (we're cooking it on the grill!)
-my grandma's cornbread dressing recipe
-fresh cranberry sauce with apples and pecans
-mashed potatoes
-gravy (courtesy of Williams' Sonoma...my mom says it's the BEST!)
-green bean casserole with french fried onions (Pinky's request)
-roasted veggies with goat cheese (zucchini, squash, fennel, parsnips, peppers)
I think and hope it will turn out great! I'm brining the turkey right now so it better not get dry while it's cooking!! I'm sure we'll take pics and I'll let you know how it all turned out!
Happy Turkey Day!